Hair Daze

When you get to be a certain (ahem) age, salon visits seem to be more necessary then in previous years.  In my teens, my hair was a dark blonde with highlights throughout.  In the Summer I was a little lighter and in the Winter, darker but always natural.  My friends would experiment with color, I was always the same.  After having children, my hair turned more of a "dishwater brown" "sparkle", nothing special....just boring.  I decided I would go a bit lighter and bought some hair color that was "natural" and would washout.  That turned my head brassy.  I was brassier than a shiny bell for a few years until I saw a few pictures of myself (and anyone who knows me those are almost as rare as photos of the lockness monster).  I decided it was time, time to find a stylist who I would trust with my hair. 

That in itself is a process.  You can't just go to anyone, can you?  I certainly didn't trust the chain smoking lady with the skunk stripe down her head that was hanging out in front of the salon.  I visited various locations, almost "interviewing" stylists until I met someone who I trusted - or thought I trusted.  Finally, I just started seeing someone that my friend recommended, whom I liked and felt comfortable with.  It's almost like a courtship. She encouraged me to go blonde....and blonder and I was not really pleased with my "yellowish" hair, but feeling like she simply needed to really get to know my hair, I would always give her another chance.  Finally, after realizing my hair was the color of the Tangled wig my daughter got for a Christmas gift, I gave my head (and pocketbook) a much needed break.  I decided to just stop until I figured out what I wanted and how to communicate it with my stylist or settle with my dishwater.

I went in a few months ago and explained what I wanted and she actually did it.  No recommendations, no suggestions, she just did it.  And do you know what?  I liked it.  It was more natural looking, subtle and more similar to my younger days.  I don't want to look like Pamela Anderson (nor could I ever) but I wanted to look like myself, just a little brighter and well groomed. 

That being said, I dread taking the time and sitting in the chair for my service and go months between highlights.  When I do finally go I have to say I'm finally at peace with my hair and my stylist.

What's your hair routine?  Do you go to the salon often?  Box color?  All natural?  Does your hair look drastically different than your "good 'ol days?"


  1. My hair is darker than in my youth but I like it. I am in my 50's but still no gray. I'm not sure what I'll do when that occurs. Because my hair grows very quickly I am thinking that coloring it will be a drag.

  2. Oh yes, my hair is brown now, and I used to be very very blonde. My hair still lightens in the summer though, red tones. And with two very active babes, I don't make my way to the salon...well ever. I usually let my hair grow now, until I can't stand how long it is, and then I chop it all off. I am more into the all natural now though, no coloring for me.


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