No Excuses + Fruit Salsa

Have you ever had one of those weeks...or months...or Summers?  You know, the ones that you picture yourself having lazy, low key days and then suddenly you are on the run?  Running everywhere?  Well, our week has been a tad like that.  I mean, we're typically busy people but this past week has been full of fun Summer activities, playdates, swimming lessons and add a puppy into the mix and things can get out of control quickly.  I found myself folding two giant loads of laundry at 8pm last night.  On a side note, am I the only one who things Summer laundry should be lighter?  I feel like sundresses and flip flops logically mean less work for Mama but then again?  Swimming + Friends + Sprinklers?  Well, maybe not so much.  Anyway, we are looking ahead to a more low key weekend which I think we all need.  Not too many plans other than a campout with Dad in the backyard (a Summer tradition), some s'mores with our new firepit, dog walking, bike riding and lawn mowing.  Sounds good to me and fingers crossed Mother Nature agrees!
So, on that note...I didn't ***exactly*** have a post ready for today.  And I sort of realized that around 7am when I was sipping my coffee.  So, instead of skipping a post, I decided to re-share one of our favorite Summer snacks.  I hope you love it as much as we do!
We are HUGE fruit people around here!  There is no better time to enjoy Fruit Salsa paired with Cinnamon Chips, then in the Summer!  My kids love it and it's so easy and healthy, you'll fill good about it!
Fruit Salsa:
The fruit of your choice!  We used pinapple, kiwi, strawberries, peaches and added chopped bananas at the very end.  Anything goes!  I've seen recipes that add sugar or fruit juice but I don't think it's necessary with the added sweetness of the bananas and cinnamon chips.  All you do is chop all your fruit up into teeny tiny pieces and mix.  Add a teaspoon of lemon at the end to prevent browning.
Cinnamon Chips:
10 flour tortillas
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup sugar in the raw
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
Brush tortillas with butter, cut into chips (strips, triangles - anything!), in a seperate bowl, combine sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over chips.  Bake on a baking sheet in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 5-10 minutes.
Pretty Perfect for Summer entertaining - easy peasy and everybody loves them!


  1. My kids like to run around a little less work that way :-) But they also play in a mud that takes a little longer as far as washing goes...and then there was that hot pink crayon in the dryer that managed to stain ALL of my nice maternity clothes and half of the hubs khakis and dress shirts...hmmm...still working on that one :-) Fruit salad looks delicious! Definitely something I could go for right about now!

  2. Oh my...pretty sure you just described my summer to a "t". Kudos to you for still taking the time out to blog. Sadly I haven't been as disciplined.

  3. My sister and her family are back from Canada for a year, and living near by. I know my nephew would love this treat so will make it the next time they come over :)


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