Surprise Getaway!

On a whim, we decided to plan a last minute trip with our two little ones and will be leaving on a jet plane soon. The secret destination is sure to be a hit and we are eagerly anticipating the big event.  The kids have no idea.   Anybody who knows us would tell you that we are pretty level headed, always trying to do the right thing, saving that money and being cautious. Then one day, we looked at our almost six year old and decided that the days of make believe and her actually wanting to vacation with us could be over sooner than we want.  

Why not plan a trip?  Why not plan it soon?  Why not plan it NOW?  

So, we did it and within a week, we booked it.  I'll keep our destination secret for now, in case anybody spills the surprise early...she probably doesn't read my blog but then again, I didn't think she used my camera either!  

2009 trips included Storyland, Butterfly Place and Cape Cod

Any guesses?  Really, it's not that super exciting to world travelers but for us, it's the trip of a lifetime.  Pictures when we get back! 

Oh and if anybody cares to offer any suggestions about traveling with an almost 2 year old, feel free...perhaps the worst possible age to travel with children?  I'm game (but our fellow passengers may not be!)


  1. oh fun!!! I am excited to see where you picked! Disney maybe??? have fun!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  2. i was going to guess disney as well.....

  3. I think you guys will have an amazing time, and traveling with a little isn't so bad, nursing and sleeping :-) The girls will love it and I can't wait to hear all the details when you get back!!!

  4. Oh my Jessica, that sounds like so much fun!!!! My husband and I used to do that, often picking up and heading off to Martha's Vineyard for a weekend, for I too love the sea. Can't wait to see where you end up! Enjoy!!!!!

  5. I'm thinkin' Disneyworld! And good for you to not let the time slip by and then wonder why didn't we ever go to ---- when she was still little. Have a wonderful trip!

  6. Sue @ Above the Dam JamMay 5, 2010 at 11:15ā€ÆAM

    Woo Hoo! What a great secret adventure!

  7. I agree, lollipops to ease the cabin pressure on the ears. Sunblock and hats too when you arrive! Wish you and your family a fantastic vacation!

  8. Fun new toys and snacks! Can't wait to see where you are going.

  9. I'll refrain from guessing because a blogger whose name rhymes with "Blinto Blablivia" told me. :)

  10. Thanks for the suggestions guys! I will definitely fill you in when we return!

  11. Viewfinders--definitely fun on a plane! (And, yes, they still make them.)

    Have a fun trip. I love what you said about how much longer your daughter will want to take a vacation with you. This time is fleeting--so glad you are enjoying it!


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