An afternoon tea for the ladies

Anybody who has more than one child can relate to the concept of spreading yourself too thin.  These days I'm feeling absolutely stretched to the max.  I want to spend time with both girls and with each of them individually.  Then again, naptime seems to be the time to get everything done.  This week, I decided to break that trend.  I wanted to focus on the important things, most of all spending time with my girls.  So, everyday we did special activities together.  Some of our activities included a very special tea party with read (caffeine free) tea, yoga class (courtesy of On Demand's Yoga for Kids), card games, cuddling and laughs. 
What an absolutely perfect way to reconnect!  

I'd love to know how you maintain the balance without going bonkers.  Leave me a comment with any suggestions.  I love the support in the blogging world!


  1. what great activities! I need advice too! lol... instant family with my 8 year old stepson for the summer - it's been a HARD adjustment and that is only 1 kid lol

    hugs Kim @
    party inspiration

  2. How fun! I remember when my mom would create special days for my sister and I! These are memories your girls will cherish forever!

  3. Thats such a great idea! My kids are still young, but my niece is here for the summer. I'll have to remember to do some special things with her during nap time!

  4. I like to switch things up a bit by stepping out of the normal (sometimes boring) schedule. Like today- I told them we would skip lunch-just have lots of snacks and go to the pool instead of naps! I will probably pay for it later-but it was just too hot and they thought I was the coolest mom- at least for one day!

  5. My son is only 7 months, but we try to spend a lot of time outside playing on the picnic blanket. Very relaxing!

  6. Sue @ Above the Dam JamJune 21, 2010 at 10:19ā€ÆPM

    No more naps at my house, so I don't seem to get anything done. Still, I try not to worry too much about the house and focus on getting outside with our girls while the weather's good. We've been doing a lot of "surprise get-aways". The girls now shout out, "Don't tell us where we're going!" so it's fun even when it's just the milk farm or a relative's house. Simple fun.

  7. Hi! So glad you are going to try out the Footprint Canvas project.

    I used to write for Kids' Craft Projects for So I have tons of ideas.

    Here is a list of things you might want to try this summer:

    plaster of paris ladybugs
    paper rolled beads
    collage art
    cereal box robots
    lunch bag animals or pumpkins
    cardboard robot vests/ box costumes
    Sponge paint with insect shaped sponges
    plastic loom pot holders
    rainsticks from paper towel tubes
    grow sprouts in an eggshell or egg cartons
    tie dyed shirts
    wax paper covered leaves/flowers
    plastic shrink ornaments, jewelry, suncatchers
    marbled paper
    paper lanterns
    clothespin snowman, dolls, and angel ornaments
    wooden dowel fingerpuppets
    shoe box aquariums
    painted terra cotta pots
    handprint cement stepping stones
    handprint magic foam
    clay pushmold creations
    play doh beads
    homemade play-doh
    solar oven
    noodle jewelry
    origami boxes
    calendar page gift bags
    pinecone and plastic cupcake christmas tree
    puzzle piece and popsicle stick picture frames
    craft lace keychains
    pinecone covered in peanut butter and bird seed
    painted rock paper weights
    foam penguin ornaments
    laminated tissue paper collage placemats
    painted coffee filter butterflies
    plastic loom pot holders

    I'll be posting more activities on my blog through the summer. I need my sanity too. Pools, libraries, video games, a game of chase, and a table full of construction paper, glue, scissors, crayons are also helpful to me during the summers.

  8. I have to find that on demand yoga for kids!!! Great idea. Such lucky girls to have a mom like you!!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  9. These responses are great. I'm a big offender of the 'spread-thin' variety, so hearing how others shake it up is refreshing.


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