Shout out to my sponsors!

Did I mention how much I love my sponsors?  Crafty, creative, unique stay at home mamas who are on a quest to make some quality goods for the less talented people who don't have the time!  Check them out:

What an adorable gift for baby, the Simple Pure White Pom Pom hat from

This would be perfect for an afternoon tea from Kid-N Around Creations!
Check out their fabulous shops!


  1. LOVE those felt tea bags!!!

    hugs! Kim @
    party inspiration

  2. Super cute shops!!!

    I have tried a couple times to add your button to my blog, but I for some reason it doesn't work for me. Am I doing something wrong?

  3. Oh, and when I clicked on your button to send you an email, it sent me to the Comcast homepage.

  4. Hi Jessica - thanks for checking out my blog and becoming a follower! Your blog is lovely, I'm looking forward to reading more. In response to your comment, I hope I can give you a good glimpse into what it is like living in the South - no, it isn't exactly like "Sweet Home Alabama," but there are some similarities! :)

  5. Hi Shan - Try to add the button now, I think I fixed it. I'm working through a couple of bugs with the blog!

    Mommy's Sippy Cup - Email should work now, thanks for letting me know!

    Sara - I can't wait to read more and learn about the South!!!


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