Your Most Perfect Flower

Do you have a favorite flower?  I love all different types but the one that I think I adore most are hydrangeas.  Clusters of tiny blooms, so perfect and delicate.  The variety of color available every Spring makes me swoon.  
I can remember running through my grandmother's field on lazy, late Summer afternoons as the hydrangeas were just about to bloom.  I couldn't have been more than 7 or 8. 
I recall sitting under those very same hydrangea bushes on early Fall days and reading books, doing my homework and just daydreaming.  Those early high school days were quite an adjustment and the flowers served as a source of comfort on those uneasy, awkward days. 
I carried hydrangeas on my wedding day.  Big, bright, lavender blooms.  We planted a hydrangea bush when we bought our first house, full of excitement.
My husband gave me a bunch of pink hydrangeas when my first daughter was born and again when we welcomed our last daughter into the world.  
Perhaps that's why I can loose myself in the bunches of tiny flowers....and why these are my favorite. 

Do you have a very favorite bloom and if so, do they represent a special day or time in your life?  


  1. I carried them as well on my wedding day! However my favorite flour is Lilacs. They have been since I was a little girl. Nothing better than the scent they bring into the house in the spring!

    1. Flour?! Can you tell I've been baking much? jeeeeze. Flower**

  2. I have to say lilacs as well. By far my favorite flower. There is the largest lilac bush I have ever seen at the front of my mom's house. When my brother and I were little, there was a bent over branch and little cave almost among all the flowers. It was beautiful and peaceful. She has been talking about taking the bush down, after several snow storms have damaged parts of it, it isn't as pretty as it used to be. If she does cut it down, I hope to take some of it to plant at my own house, and hopefully give my babes the same amount of joy that bush gave me growing up (and now still!).

  3. Such a sweet story! Those are just beautiful! You know I am a fan of flowers! :) Great pics girl! <3

  4. I love peonies. I wanted them so badly in my wedding, but we got married in August (not exactly there season) and it was just too expensive. We did use hydrangeas though. They are cheap and beautiful.


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