Easy Flatbread with Tomatoes, Onions and Spinach

A couple days ago, I celebrated my birthday (this will officially be the year I stop counting them).  We celebrated last weekend by going to our local Flatbread Company and enjoyed the most delicious meal with organic, local and fresh ingredients we have had in a long time.  The one we enjoyed was laden with spiced apple cider sauce (going with our week's apple them), organic arugula, organic red onions, smoked Gouda and topped with local granny smith apples.  It was so good  that I set out to recreate the pizza to celebrate my actual birthday with but after a bit of time realized I wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than that actual flatbread from there so instead, I settled on a Tomato, Spinach and Onion Flatbread.  

It was full of rich flavor!

Ingredients - 
Olive Oil
The dough of your choice
1 whole onion, chopped or sliced
1 pint of cherry tomatoes, cut in halves
2 garlic cloves, chopped
cheese (optional - feta or mozzerella work best)

I started out by using a dough recipe that my friend Holly at Into Ablivia gave me.  This tends to be my "go to" recipe when I'm pizza making since it's quick and easy.  It rises in about 30 minutes and results in a lighter crust.  You can use hers, find it here or any pizza dough recipe you like.  Let you dough rise and then get ready for your ingredients. 

sautĆ©ed the garlic and onion in a little olive oil for about 10 minutes until tender, added the tomatoes for another 5 minutes and then added the spinach, basil, salt and pepper.  
Once you dough is rolled (I am not fancy with this - the girls enjoy the traditional pie shape but sometimes we get "fancy" and just do a rectangle - I know, we're crazy like that).  Spread your toppings and top with cheese if you like, then bake at 425 degrees for 15-17 minutes. 
This flatbread was tasty and good, I almost didn't miss the cheese....

What I love about flatbread is that they are quick, easy and you can customize them any way you like!  

Happy Friday Friends! 


  1. Yum! This looks really good. And as far as the cheese goes...if you add some extra virgin olive oil at the end and some red pepper flakes...you get used to not having the cheese ;-)

    1. I do add the red pepper flakes, but still miss the cheese...I could try the olive oil though!


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