Udi's Gluten Free for the Holidays...and a Giveaway!

About a month ago, I was lucky enough to shout the praises of Udi's Gluten Free products.  I loved their products.  It led me to look further on my grocery aisles to see what other products Udi's Gluten Free offers and I was surprised to see a variety of items available in my local shop.  Since a few of our family and friends have a gluten allergies, ensuring we have some gluten free options are a must at family gatherings.  Since the holidays are fast approaching, I thought these would be a great item to contribute to our Thanksgiving table and holiday parties.  
A few of the items that are new to Udi's Gluten Free and perfect for your holiday parties are their Classic French Dinner Rolls, Whole Grain Seeded Dinner Rolls and French Baguettes.  I spotted the French Baguettes and knew I wanted to try them.  They were yummy and crusty on the outside and soft on the inside, the way a French Baguette should be.  I was also able to test the Whole Grain Seeded Dinner Rolls, that are just as tasty as the French Baguette but more nutritious.  These rolls are loaded with chia, sunflower and flax seeds.  A nutty dinner roll that would go perfectly with your Thanksgiving feast and throughout the upcoming holiday season.  No longer do those people affected with gluten allergies have to "suffer" while others indulge in delicious rolls and baguettes, now we all can enjoy them together...and isn't that what the holidays are all about?  

Udi's is offering one lucky reader a chance to try the Udi's product of their choice!  Simply fill out the form below (it's easy - just sign in) to enter! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Have a great Tuesday my friends!


  1. Anything with chia sounds interesting to me! I have read a lot about it, but have never tried it before.

  2. Their cinnamon raisin bread sounds great!

  3. everythinh looks delicious thank you for the giveaway

  4. I wanted to try the millet chia bread!


  5. I'd love to try the Blueberry Muffins.

  6. Our family would love to try the French Baguettes!

  7. I follow your blog with google reader!

  8. I would like to try the French Baguettes!

  9. I follow through GFC.

  10. I would love to try the Whole Grain Seeded Dinner Rolls

  11. The whole grain dinner rolls sound good!


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