School Vacation and Thank YOU!

If you've been reading here for a while, you may be able to tell I'm going through sort of a "slow period".  After writing daily for a few years,it's been a great therapeutic outlet for me and a way to share the things that are going on in our lives, crafts, recipes and what's most important to me - my family. Having said that, I'd be fibbing if I told you blogging was easy.  It's hard to write something that matters on a daily basis.  As schedules get busier and time seems more fleeting, I'm finding some days are harder than others.  My girls are getting older and have busier lives: activities and their own interests.  This Spring, Summer and Fall I plan to take advantage of being outside more and may opt to blog a few times a week instead of daily.  I know that's ok and that it doesn't make me less of a blogger, my hope is that it will make me a better blogger with more things to share. I want to ensure that my blog is worthy of your time - a place where you can escape, find a little inspiration and grab a laugh.  It's important for me to let you know that I am very grateful for all the readers who visit, support and comment.  It means so much to me.  I am so happy to be part of this blogging community where I learn so much and find inspiration through other blogs and people on a daily basis. 

Perhaps it's the lack of sun and warmth around here but I'm looking everywhere to get that bounce in my step back!  I'm eager for sunnier days and warmth. I'm so ready for Spring!  For now, I will keep looking for our sunny spots in our home and remember that we are grateful for the warmth and that we are on the other side of it, it's almost March!
We have school vacation this week so I'll be taking a bit of a break but will be back soon!  First on the agenda...building a snowman!  
After gazing out the window yesterday into a living snow-globe, what else would be a better way to start school vacation?  What do you have planned for the week ahead?


  1. It certainly is beautiful out this morning...but goodness we were in the 3-5 inches band and instead ended up with over a foot of the heavy wet stuff! It looks like a good bit of melting will happen today though, so that is nice! I too am ready for spring. I plan to be starting seeds this week, tomatoes are done, but now to move onto the herbs! If I am lucky, maybe I can get some fresh herbs ready for picking before the spring planting begins!

  2. I love the snow but I live in the Southwest so I don't get to build a snowman very often. We did have snow at the first part of January and it stayed for two days!! Unbelievable for here, LOL. I am on my way to follow in as many ways as possible:)

    Have an awesome day!!

  3. I know what you mean about a slow period. I have found that a M, W, F blogging schedule works best for me, but last week I just didn't feel inspired at all, so I skipped my Weds post. I felt like a little bit of a slacker, but I think sometimes you have to pull yourself away from blogging to get your inspiration back. 3 times a week is a lot for me, so I can't imagine blogging every day! It took me a while to settle into the 3xs a week schedule, so you just have to find what works for you. I always enjoy my visits here and will continue to, no matter the frequency of your posts. There is a life outside blogging and sometimes you have to go live it! haha :)

  4. I have tried so many times to figure out the perfect "balance" for my blog. Right now, I sort of figure that I have a few different audiences, so sometimes I blog daily under different topics and sometimes it's just twice a week. I know the recommendation is always consistency, but I think readers care more that whatever you put out is quality. Sometimes this means sharing inspiration daily and sometimes once a week.

  5. The snow looks familiar. ;) It's beautiful and reminds me of God's forgiveness to us, but I'm still ready for spring!

  6. I left Dallas for sunny Arizona this week. I did not realize how much I missed waking up to the sun!

  7. Hi Jessica,
    Stopping by from Lemon Tree Dwelling to return the visit. I am enjoying looking around your blog and am following you back! Even though I have only been blogging for 5 months, I can definitely relate to the fact that it's not easy! My kiddos are 6, 4, and 18 mo. and life is busy! Good luck finding the right balance for you :)
    Cathy @ Lemon Tree Dwelling

  8. Your post really resonated! Looking forward to spring - March is coming soon! (And thank you for stopping over at Sincerely Abi Inspired.). I am following your blog now also.

  9. I'm so looking forward to spring too! :) I'm your newest GFC follower. Can't wait to see what you are up to next. Megan

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your photos are gorgeous! That snow is so fun! I'm a new follower. I don't think it makes you any less of a blogger for spending more time with your family! You may have fewer blog posts, but you will have more to write about by going out and living life!

    Have a great week!

    Ashley @

  11. Hi Jessica,
    I am with you. It is hard to write everyday. I could never do that. I love this post that showing and expressing that you want the reader to enjoy about what you write as often. I feel the same way; and I wish I could but I am taking my time. Otherwise I will be in front of the computer 24 hours a day 7 days a week. LOL.

    This coming week I will be in sunny Florida. I can't wait to blog from there. Thank you for the like on my FB page. I am going to like your FB page as well. Have a lovely evening..!!

  12. as a kid I loved the snow now a bit older I love the warmth from the inside of the window that I look out at the beauty of it all
    come see me at

  13. I cannot imagine being able to blog every day! It would be very difficult! I think once or twice a week would be great! It's hard enough to just, visit, comment and comment back on a once a week post for me. Enjoy your vacation in the snow!! How fun! Lucie is going to the snow for a birthday sleepover this weekend. For snow we have to go 1 1/2 up the mountains! (Lake Tahoe area) :)

  14. Hi~ Thanks for dropping by Turnips 2 Tangerines~ It was nice hearing from you~ Living in Northern WI, I can't wait for spring to arrive:) This winter has been especially long and cold here:( I will be spending some time in GA over Easter and it will be a welcome...I'm going to sit in the sun, shut my eyes and soak it in:) Lynn

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog and and I'm stoked that you I have joined it. I have just signed-up to your blog too. It's the first day of Autumn here in Victoria, Australia. It doesn't snow where I live. Your photos are just gorgeous, like a winter wonderland. Jennifer

  16. thank you for stopping by my blog and following! I have just become your number 1000 GFC follower :-)

  17. Normally I Ōo not leŠ°rn post on blogs, but ӏ wish tŠ¾ say that this wŠ³ite-up veŠ³y cĪæmpelled me to tŠ°ke a look at and do so!
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    Ī¤hanĪŗs, vŠµry gŠ³Šµat post.

    LĪæoĪŗ at my wŠµb ѕite - hcg dieters

  18. Heavy wet snow atop trees is so incredibly beautiful!


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