School Days

It's been a busy week here, I can hardly believe it's only Wednesday!  It's funny how our last Summer vacation days have seemed to pass in a blink of an eye.  Here's a little bit of what's going on around hereā€¦

The Northeast has been experiencing a bit of a heat wave. After temperatures barely making it to 70 last week, the past two days have been most certainly Summer-like. We spent Monday at the beach enjoying some glorious weather. The girls chatted and played in the sand with friends and did a little boogie boarding for the very first time.  There were some major waves and although it was a little stressful for the Mamas, a good time was had by all.  Yesterday was equally as beautiful here, with temperatures in the upper 80s and blue skies.  It seemed like one last gift and a wonderful day for relaxing and riding bikes.  Today looks to be the warmest this week, with temperatures expected to reach 90Ā°. Our first day of school outfits have been altered to ensure warm weather comfort and their water bottles will be packed with ice.  The girls are happy to wear a couple of pretty sundresses so it was an easy switch.

If you couldn't tell, we are still without our family computer so it's certainly been a challenge. It turns out that we had a couple of issues with our hard drive and although it is getting repaired, it's certainly not as quickly as we would like. Again, I'm reminded of how dependent I have become on my computer,  my frustration level has definitely risen when trying to access emails via my $140 notebook computer.  I suppose you definitely get what you pay for and I'm lucky to have something to use. Then again, it makes things difficult, pictures for exampleā€¦not the easiest from that or an iTouch but you know me, I'm always up for a challenge.  Speaking of pictures, I'm sorry that my posts lately have been seriously lacking any.  It took me almost 15 minutes but I was able to load this one for youā€¦
Yes, that is a snow filled picture and yes it was the only one I was able to access on my iTouch.  I don't know what that's about but didn't want to disappoint ;-)

Finally, its the first day of school for us today. I've written over the years about how quickly time goes by, I think if you're a mother you have those moments where you can hardly wrap your head around how quickly your children have grown. It's certainly bittersweet and most difficult sometimes but it's all part of the process. I tried to take a new approach to it:  I tried not to think about it too much, I tried not to get stressed out about it but of course it has always been there in the back of my mind.  The past couple of days have been quite emotional for me in particular. Of course the kids don't see that, to them I'm just as excited as they are for their first day and when my oldest confides in me that she is anxious, I listen and help her find coping mechanisms to get her through.  It's a transition year for us, meaning a new school for my oldest which leads to a new schedule and a lot of changes for all of us.  Luckily for us, we were able to spend time last week at her new school so she could get acclimated to things, she's met her teacher who is warm and welcoming, seen a lot of friends and was able to navigate the halls before they are filled with 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders.  I'm not gonna lie, part of me feels sick to my stomach when I think about her going and part of me feels excited for her new beginning.  This big change means she will have new opportunities, meet new friends and have access to wonderful learning resources.  She's beyond thrilled to have music and chorus every day, have access to a huge, new, beautiful art room and take part in more school activities. That's what I'm going with, I think it's a constant struggle with whatever schooling you choose, whether you opt to homeschool or not, send them to private or publicā€¦ I think so many moms have similar feelings when a new school year rolls around.  For me, I hope to make their first day special and memorable and I'm sure today will drag on at a rather slow pace as I'm anxiously awaiting their arrival home from school.  If I get too emotional, I'll simply think back to our wonderful, lightning quick Summer and all the special time we have had.
Here's to new beginnings!

Have a great day!


  1. Sending a big hug your way. I am certain your daughter will do marvelously at her new school! Although I would be reacting the same way. I sen our baby off to his first day of school EVER today at the tender age of 2.5 .....time has definitely flows!

    Again Hugs to you sweet friend!

  2. First, I cannot believe you put up a picture of snow!!!!! You are killing me! Second, this is definitely the fastest summer I remember...maybe because we had such a long winter and late spring. And I am so excited for the girls! Mama, you are doing a great job, and those girlies are proof of it! Cheers to a great first day!

  3. Question from your landlocked Midwestern friend... What's a boogie board?


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