Spring = Party Time

Hello and Happy Friday!  We are simply basking in the happiness of having our very first week of decent weather.  What a difference a week makes!  Last week we had SNOW but this week?  Some beautiful 70 degree weather, sun and all the things about Spring that we SO look forward to!  Looks like tomorrow we will have another beauty of a day!  We are in the home stretch before April Vacation which means one more week of homework and activities before 9 days off for the girls and a much needed break!  
I hope you are all off to a wonderful weekend! 


  1. Before you know it, the grass will be green and your veggies will be growing! Enjoy your warm up, and your weekend!

    1. Kris, I'm so excited to start planting - and expanding the garden this year! Lots to look forward to :)

  2. Fun in the Spring! That sounds great. You know Spring is my favorite time and I love to throw Spring themed party at one of my favorite outdoor party city locations NY. It is just great to celebrate in this season with loved ones. Isnā€™t it?


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