KidsEmail - Safe Email for Your Kids Feature #sponsored #ad

*Please note, I was compensated for this review post and feature.  All opinions expressed, as always, are my own* is a great way to introduce your kids to the world of email!
We live in a world, full of media.  It's astonishing to me that some children are as technologically advanced as they are.  Kids are emailing their friends and relatives, sending emails, pictures and videos across the internet.  It's cool we are able to do this but it also can be scary. The internet and technology can get kids into trouble. Sometimes they're faced with images and concepts they're far too young to see.  Emails today use other peopleā€™s names to send emails with links to questionable sites and many of those have viruses ready to infect your computer with a simple click. helps keep your kids and your computer safe.  It also allows YOU to control who can contact them, what they can see AND when they can actually email.  This is the key reason I recommend  
KidsEmail is so confident in their service that they offer a free 30 day trial! Once a parent registers, you are sent an activation code to confirm who you are. As a parent, youā€™ll be happy to know that you wonā€™t need a credit card to sign up and it only takes a few minutes to get started!
You choose an email address but it must end with You can also choose a display name that appears when your kid sends an email. Older kids can use an email address that ends in as well.  The 30 day trial allows 3 children to be added.
You can now enter acceptable email addresses into their contact list and unacceptable addresses in the blocked list.  One of our favorite features is selecting what the kid can and cannot receive in the safety settings such as:

  • Receiving email only from those in the contact list. Emails from those not on the list are sent to your email address (the one used to register with) for approval or rejection. If rejected, you can automatically send a message to the sender saying that the email must be approved by you first.
  • You can have a copy of all emails sent to your kid, sent to you as well.
  • You can have all images and links removed from the email.
  • You can control what attachments are allowed such as photos, PDFs and even videos.

For outgoing emails, a tagline can be attached to the bottom stating that the email is originating from a child while a copy of the email sent can be forwarded to your email address as well.
Older kids may want to edit their contact list themselves and they can with your permission but you still can view who theyā€™ve added.  My kids really liked the designs and favored the more playful colors and themes.  
Younger kids will love the colorful themes that are available including dog, cat, princess or even an iPod. Writing an email is as simple as any other program and allows the kids to format the text, add emoticons and attach files. Look how adorable...
Sending emails was easy!  The additional feature of allowing the older kids to sort and store their messages in different folders was great. Once created however, a red ā€œXā€ is placed next to it. This is to allow the child to delete the folder and its contents but does however give the impression that there is something wrong with the folder. A different symbol indicating delete would be preferred.
Another great feature allows parents to control when the kids are allowed to use the program. The time restriction page allows you to select which days of the week and hourly blocks they are allowed to use the program. You can even ā€œgroundā€ your child for a set amount of time or until a specific date!  Hopefully not needed, but a good option to have!
In our testing, we sent a number of emails to the program. Some with attachments and some with rude words which were easily caught by the system. 
After the 30 day trial, you can subscribe month to month for $4.95 or purchase the service for a year for $2.99 a month AND they offer another month for free. Follow along on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram!
Feel confident in your child's online activity but still allow their freedom!  I'm happy to have this option - be sure to check it out and explore the site!   


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