Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope you and your loved ones are enjoying a wonderful holiday! I had high hopes for this week and planned to blog but things got crazy busy right before Christmas and my oldest daughter came down with a nasty stomach bug on Christmas Eve. So, while I'd love to share that our holiday was spent baking cookies and enjoying merriment, it was spent disinfecting and serving up saltines and ginger ale. Still, this year was better than the last and most importantly, we were home, all together as a family. We still managed to squeeze in some of our traditions and made the most of our quiet holiday.

It's hard to believe this 2015 Christmas season is winding down. Things will likely be a bit quieter over the next week, as I plan to enjoy Christmas vacation with my family who hopefully will stay healthy right through the New Year! 2016 is almost here!

Merry Christmas to all!


  1. Aww I'm sorry about your daughter's stomach bug. I hope the rest of you don't get it. We had that happen one year. Not fun!! I can still the sickness in us in the photos from that year. #goodtimes Wishing you guys a great holiday break!! We've been having a nice one so far beside the fact it's warm and muggy and rainy!!

    1. Our weather has definetely turned now Heather! Did you guys get snow yesterday?

  2. Happy New Year,
    My son got sick too! He was really bad the 22 - 24th, doing better by the 25th. Thank goodness. Yes, I am sanitizing too. We are praying no one else gets it.

    Thank you for the Christmas card. Beautiful girls :-))

    And what was the verdict regarding Star Wars? :-))

    Happy New Year,
    P.S. I am following you on IG - I am skigirlcarla

  3. I don't know why I didn't see this post sooner!
    I am so sad to hear that your girl was under the weather. I hope she is feeling better and ready to enjoy New Years Eve/Day!

  4. I'm sorry Riley was sick on Christmas, but I am very happy that you were all able to be together at home. And I'm also glad that you guys have a nice vacation this week to relax and enjoy one another! I'm not looking forward to getting back to the grind next week...more vacation please!!!

    1. I agree, there's never enough vacation as far as I'm concerned!

  5. Same here, which is I why I am just now getting caught up on my reading. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (belated).


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