Making the Most of Fall in New England

Here in New England, we are in the middle of a drought. Summer was very dry and warm, and so far this Fall we haven't seen enough rain to eliminate the drought conditions. We've heard a lot about the fact that we wouldn't have very much foliage because it has been so dry. This past weekend, we got out and explored and were thrilled to see so many vibrant, beautiful colors! We're at the peak of it so the short burst of the season is better than none at all in my opinion! The colors are spectacular!!!!

One stop was to a farm where we journeyed through a gigantic corn maze shaped like a frog. It was fun, we answered all sorts of trivia to make our way through the maze. Educational and active!
We also checked out their farmstand which is always fun at harvest time! So many pumpkins! 
and these gigantic...gourds? squash? Not sure but hey were everywhere! 
Our last stop was to visit the sheep. It was SO fun! We've visited sheep before but never this many and we were fascinated to see two sheepdogs herding them. It was really interesting and they truly were in control! 
Our plan is to get out and explore more this upcoming weekend and take full advantage of the sites! One of the things I love about living here is the seasons are beautiful and signify what's to come. I so love sharing the seasonal beauty with my kids, who get excited about the adventures throughout the year.

Have a great weekend my friends! What adventures are you planning this weekend? 


  1. Great photos Jessica! What a fun place to visit, and you are right that the colors are beautiful!

  2. Looks like such fun. Those curly gourd things are pretty cool. :]

    // ā–² ā–²

    1. Aren't those neat? Still no idea what they are? They look like giant green beans!

  3. looks like it was such a fun place, and hooray for sheep! Love the fall colours.

  4. Those are quite the gourds! For all of my time on farms, I have never been able to watch sheep get herded by a dog. That would be fun to see!
    I will be watching my husband harvest our corn, until the rain starts this weekend... then hopefully off to the apple orchard!

    1. Hope you have a great weekend Kris! Harvesting corn must be VERY rewarding!

  5. We've had a lot of rainy weekends but this one looks perfect and sunny! Hoping to get out and do some "fall" activities. It's been so busy around here. That farm looked like a lot of fun!

    1. It was fun! Not too much rain here - but I hear it's coming this week and 75 degrees Monday - Thursday...what?!

  6. Hello,
    Oh my, this looks like a great adventure. I love sheep. :-)
    We plan to hike on Sunday. I am looking forward to the Autumn beauty and family time.
    xx oo

    1. I think Autumn hiking is the best! Hope you guys had a great one!

  7. So fun!!! We went to a pumpkin farm this past weekend and did all the traditional fall festivities. I love corn mazes. New England is the best place to be in the fall. Enjoy every bit of it!

    1. Sounds like a great weekend for you too Natalie! We love Fall!


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