The Moving Hodgepodge

This week's hodgepodge is here! Thank you Joyce!  She's in the final stages of her home being built (congratulations!) and still has committed to this!  Come join the fun and wish Joyce well on her newest, exciting adventure!  
1. What would you say is your strongest sense? My sense of sight. I'm always taking it all in, observing and watching. I love people watching and I love the seasons. I definitely am in tune to colors, destinations and the outdoors. I love, more than anything, seeing my children. Their faces, their expressions: it's priceless.
2. Do you believe in the idea of a 'sixth sense'? Why or why not? I don't think so and I can't say why but the idea that a ghost is just hanging out next to me is creepy. Then again, I like to think there are angels around us, which is a much happier thought. 
3. When do you most feel like a slave to time? Explain. During the busy weeks, during theater season, at the very beginning of the school year when we have two open houses at two different schools, parent teacher conferences and everything in between. I feel that hustle and bustle and like we are flying from place to place without stopping. Not my favorite sensation! 
4. Have you ever worked in a restaurant? How would you rate the experience? If you could own a restaurant what kind would it be? When I was in the 10th grade, I had my first "real job" working as a hostess at a restaurant. I remember being intimidated and nervous but overall, it was a good experience. I also remember helping out busing tables and having to carry the giant, over-sized trays and failing miserably. We were required to clear the entire table all at once and I just couldn't do it. Needless to say, I wasn't scheduled to do that job too often. I lasted one summer. If I were to own a restaurant, I would want to own a farm to table restaurant and have a seasonal garden to pick from!
5. Ever traced your family tree? Share something interesting you learned there. My Grandfather traced his family tree and was very interested in his lineage. In 2005, I asked him if I could "interview" him because he had so many amazing stories to share. He agreed and looking back, I'm so grateful that I have the story of his life. After he died a few years ago, he left a gigantic family tree album. It's amazing to see the history of our family. I was shocked and saddened to hear his younger brother died of the 1918 Flu Pandemic. He's an excerpt of his story... 

6. What did your childhood bedroom look like? I had light purple walls and a lot of Snoopy pictures hung up. I also distinctly remember a Charlies Angels poster. As I got older, those were replaced by pictures of Madonna that hung over my gerbil's cage, I had a huge waterbed in the center of my room and it was common for me to dance around to the Grease soundtrack for hours. I also may have painted nailpolish "lipstick" on Diana Ross' Upside Down album cover and hung it from my wall. Am I dating myself here? Isn't it scary that I STILL have that album, and the Snoopy phone that I used to talk for hours on! Oh and let's face it, EVERY Snoopy phone needs to be decorated with a gold lame necktie:
In middle school I discovered 21 Jumpstreet and my room became a shrine to Johnny Depp. I had a lot of posters and was a little embarrassed when my Dad brought me home a Patrick Swayze poster when Dirty Dancing was the big movie. I didn't have the heart to tell him I wasn't a fan (sorry ladies) so I carefully hung the poster in back of my bedroom door. 
7. Anyone who knows me knows I love my family

8. Insert your own random thought here.


  1. I re-learned the Peanuts family tree last year when Miss H/S played Linus. That was so fun!! I LOVE your Snoopy phone. What a treasure. I think I wore out my Grease soundtrack album, we played it so much and danced/sang out every song. To this day, I still have it memorized! What an awesome story about your grandfather and having his words to remember him and learn your history. Great post!!

  2. Oh my goodness! This was so cool. I want to hear more about your family history.

    1. I will do a blog post about it at some-point I'm sure! Lots of stories in that family for certain!

  3. What a wonderful gift you have from your grandfather! I remember 21 Jumpstreet and the Johnny Depp craze ;) Have a great week.

  4. How cool that your grandparents had 12 children! That is the number that David and I had planned to have, but it didn't work out that way. The kids in the photo all look so sweet. What a great picture!

    I'm sorry about the loss of your uncle to the pandemic. My great-grandfather's brother was 19 years old and in service and died of the flu pandemic in 1918, too. I found his name on a casualty list in an old newspaper on the other day. Back home, there was a cemetery with a section known as Baby Hill. Many of them died during the pandemic, too. That had to be the saddest part of the cemetery to walk.

    Have a blessed day. :)

    1. Thank you for visiting! I will check out that article, so sad that so many lost their lives!

  5. Such interesting family history! We have Pond friends, and there was a Pond missionary in early Minnesota history. Anyway, also loved your childhood memories, but not a fan of any of the poster boys. LOL Surely am a fan of Snoopy and love the poster. :-))

    1. I guess I wasn't a Littleton risque back then! No poster boys on my girls walls!

  6. It was good that you had the opportunity to interview your grandfather and get his story. I wish I had done that with my grandparents.

  7. Hi Jessica! It was great that you thought to interview your grandpa and have it all written down. Family history is always interesting and I believe it is so important to preserve the stories and know of our roots. My room was lavender! I gasped out loud to read your's was too! I surely thought I was the only one! Ha!

  8. I would love to visit your farm to table restaurant if you had one. We have a couple in the area and the food is wonderful. I know what you mean about the ghosts hanging around. Just to be sure I always say things like, "If you're good you can stay. If you're not, get out!" LOL Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. I love Farm to Table restaurants - I think they're becoming more popular so that's good for us!

  9. Love the Peanuts family tree! Half watching the It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown right now :)
    I love the family story your grandfather wrote! So neat. I love that it is in a story version for reading, and not just family tree info.
    21 Jump Street girl to, but I favored Richard Greico (sp?) Oh my gosh... Just thinking of that show.. How cheesy it would be to watch it today!

  10. Your Peanuts poster is neat!

    The book by your grandfather is wonderful. What a good idea, and how interesting it is.

  11. What a cute blog you have! My mom had 17 kids in her family. Can you say Catholic? LOL! Thanks for visiting me earlier today!

  12. Great that you had that chance to "interview" your grandfather. Wow 12 kids must have been hard work. My hubby is the eldest of 8 and I know it was hard for his parents, especially when they were all young.

    1. There are days when my 2 kids are a challenge! Can't imagine 8 or 12!!!!

  13. I agree with you about NH being the best. I moved up from MA in the Summer of 1970 and except for an 8 year stint in the U.S. Air Force have lived here since. I love the Peanuts Family Tree. Thanks for visiting my blog page and for leaving a comment.

    1. I love NH and grew up in MA! New Englander through and through!

  14. Oh my, your room. :-) I just was smiling ear to ear!! I love how you shared.
    Yes, I love the Peanuts Family Tree!!

  15. Thank you, Jessica, for popping by from Joyce's. I have landed here based on question 6. What a gift your grandfather shared with you. My family, all sides, has a 1918 Pandemic story. I assumed that everyone's family did and I still do. It's just that the stories are not being shared and remembered as they once were. BTW, those strawberry muffins in the post above look delicious.


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