February 1st Hodgepodge! Let's do this!

Here are the questions for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. Come join the fun! Thank you, as always JOYCE for hosting!

1. Can you believe it's the end of January? What was the best day of January 2017 for you, and why? Hard to believe today is February 1st! January flew by! I loved New Years Day because we were all together, cozy and saying cheers to 2017. Plus, I didn't stay up on New Year's Eve so I woke up refreshed and feeling great. We also welcomed our newest nephew on the 23rd so that was very exciting! 
2. What sounds make up the background noise in your life? My kids: their requests, their singing, laughing and bickering. I wouldn't have it any other way (well, maybe fewer sisterly quarrels) 
3. I read on the Power of Positivity website a list of ten things to drop from your life right now. They are-
anger outbursts, people who put you down, regret, negative self talk, being a people pleaser, the notion you need to be perfect, the past (but keep the lessons learned!), gossip and judgment, comparing yourself to others, and the word hate (focus on what you love instead)
Which thing on the list do you most need to drop? Are you trying or will you try? This is a great list. I think being a people pleaser is something I'm working on dropping. Realizing that I need to put my needs first sometimes. It's not a good deed if I resent doing it! 
4. What is sacred to you? My family and our health. 
5. January is National Oatmeal month. Are you a fan, and if so how do you like it? I like oatmeal, steel cut with fresh fruit. 
6. What feelings does twilight stir up in you? It's wind down time, I usually have a feeling of coziness, especially on an evening when we don't have too much going on. I love that time of day in the Summer, when it's still light and warm, especially after a day at the beach. 
7. Something you're looking forward to next month? I'm looking forward to longer days and February school vacation! 
8. Insert your own random thought here.


  1. I've always loved that quote!! I know it's February 1st but I still can't believe it! January did fly by!! I love oatmeal and fruit too!

  2. Hi,
    It's not a good deed if I resent doing it! I like how you stated that. I often get in a tangle with thinking I need to do it, but have no enjoyment doing it. Working on the people pleasing as well, I must say the older I get the better I am getting at saying NO. :-)


    1. I do too! As I get older I simply want to enjoy more and waste less time doing things I don't want to do!

  3. Oh, I love your random thought! And yes, January flew by for me as well.

  4. We were away most of January, so the month really flew by. I'm trying to recover from all the travel now : ) I like the quote at the end of your post. Enjoy your day!

    1. Welcome back! I saw your vacation pics, your trip looked incredible!

  5. Great quote and I love what you said about good deeds! Enjoyed your answers!!

    1. THanks Terri! šŸ¤” Not sure why it took me so long to realize that ;-)

  6. Great way to start the new year! It is not easy to stop being a people pleasure. I love your random.

  7. I am much better than I used to be about people pleasing. What you said about good deeds made me think. I agree with you, and I see that I still need some work in that area!
    Love the quote :)

  8. I love your answer to #6. Even in the dead of winter, with snowbanks around the house and a fire in the wood stove that's trying to keep up with the frigid temps, your answer makes me remember those times in the summer at twilight that were just as you describe, but for me it would be a local lake. Sigh. Wonderful.

    1. It's an amazing time of day. Just the thought of it makes me smile!


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