Loving Lately

Happy Friday friends! It's felt like kind of a long week here so can I get a collective YAY for Friday! Even though were springing forward on Sunday, it's hard to ignore the fact that we're expecting a bit of snow today and there are murmurs (the kind I am trying hard to block out) of a nor'easter next week šŸ™„. I know we live in New England and there's typically snow in March but it's safe to say I'm over it and a much bigger fan of mud over snow at this point!

Since I'm anticipating warmer weather and Spring, I wanted to share a couple of things that I've been loving lately...mainly SALAD! Isn't it funny how the body works? In the Fall, I'm definitely craving soup and stews but at this point, I'm starting to crave fresh salads, salsa and just in general, healthier food, fresher food. This week I found these delicious pea sprouts which I've never had before and have been absolutely loving them! They're so easy to throw on top of a salad or sandwich and I love the taste and crunchy texture. I'm not huge meat eater, in fact I don't eat too much but I've been trying to increase my protein a
bit with local, boneless chicken breast. My favorite salad lately has been delicious greens with a bit of chicken topped with avocado. Avocado just seems to make my day happier, I feel more full and satisfied. 
Here are the sprouts - so good!
This is the chicken I've been eating a top my salads. So EASY and so good! We usually have fajitas for dinner one night and the leftovers are what I enjoy during the week. 

Sometimes I've eaten a salad topped with an egg too, which is satisfying and good...if you're into eggs!
I've also started to replace my mid afternoon pick me up with Herbal Coffee. I first learned about herbal coffee through Healthnut Nutrition. Which is a great resource when you're looking for new recipes and healthy eating. Nikole seems down to earth and realistic about her approach to food. Be sure to check her out if you haven't already! Here's the coffee, I got mine on Amazon.  
I hope you are all off to a fabulous weekend! TGIF from here! 


  1. Thank you for the ideas and tips. I always learn some good tips for eating something new from you! Thank you!!

  2. I heard of pea shoots last year, but still haven't tried them. I considered growing them, but never got that far. Where did you find them?
    Your salad with avocado and chicken sounds like my kind of salad! I've never tried any egg except for hard boiled. I guess I need to branch out :)
    Good luck with the storm!

    1. I found them at our local Natual Health Food store. They are delicious and so good for you too!

  3. Hi Jessica! I've never heard of herbal coffee so found that interesting! Salads are so good, especially in warm weather. We like a big salad topped with chicken too. Hope the spring weather continues up there for you!

    1. You should try it Terri, it's smooth and a nice afternoon pick me up!

  4. oh my god I need that fruit and grain coffee!!! I haven't heard of it before but now I have to try it- what a brilliant idea! I can't have coffee after 2 p.m. (or the caffeine keeps me up all night) so this is right up my alley.

    1. Julie, you have to try it! It makes you feel like you're having coffee, it's delicious!

  5. Hope you're staying safe will all the snow that's headed your way :)

  6. You always are eating so well and healthy!! The pea shoots sound so good!! How did you make out in the storm? We didn't get as much as predicted but lots of heavy sleet. We are off again tomorrow.

    1. You have to try the pea shoots - so good! Glad that storm is over! I think we got 18 inches or so? I just read at a ski resort in VT they got 58 inches - what??!!! In happy for them!


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