Easter Food and Family!

Hard to believe that we are just days away from Easter! It's really snuck up this year. For some reason, I always think of Easter being an April holiday but I know that certainly isn't always the case. Easter's definitely one of my favorite holidays, one focused around faith and family. I love that Easter is a little more low-key, expectations are simple and a great reason together and celebrate. Last year was one of the easiest Easter's I can remember. My mother had recently moved in after her accident and we where ready to just relax and come together again. I cooked a simple, Spring inspired meal that everyone loved. 
When I started thinking about what I would do this year, I initially thought I would go all out. Then I took a step back, really give it some thought and decided I would follow last year's theme of a simple, understated Easter. It's supposed to be close to 60Ā° here in New England with a lot of sun so I'm hopeful we can get out for a family walk, have a nice meal and just take the afternoon to relax and enjoy family. As my children get older, they become busier and it puts time into perspective.
So this year, we will focus on the family, fresh, good food and simplicity. After another busy Winter, it sounds easy, relaxing and fun! What are your Easter plans? I hope you and your family have a wonderful one!


  1. That sounds perfect! We are having brunch with mostly make ahead things. Yay! I'm hoping to relax and spend time with the girls before College Girl leaves for spring break. We might go to a movie that night. We'll see.

    1. Sounds like another busy but fun weekend for you! Have a great holiday!

  2. Sounds like a beautiful day in store for your family! We will travel to my grandparents to see family, always a nice time.
    Happy Easter!


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